Monday 19 April 2010

Thursday 1 April 2010


Use the articles and the videos posted on this blog as a starting point to build you case study for Film 4 ('Slumdog Millionaire'), 20th Century Fox (Avatar) and Working Title.

OBJECTIVE: To gather relevant info about each Media Institution and compare their practices with each other.

Remember to do well in Section B you need to know and remember key facts, figures and issues to do with PRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION AND EXHIBITION.

TASK:On a large A3 sheet make separate notes on each production company with relevant examples (quotes, fact, figures, names of people involved) under these headings.:

  • Media Ownership
  • Production
  • Distribution & Marketing
  • Funding
  • Technology
  • Convergence
  • Synergy
  • Audience

Sample exam questions are below.

Please be aware that the exam question is unseen and could relate to any aspect of a media products production, distribution or exhibitions. In the exam you will not get a choice of question. So you need to know enough about each Media Institution.

The following questions are taken from past exam papers and from the Long Road Media blog.

1) How important is technological convergence for institutions and audiences?

2) To what extent is multi-platform publication beneficial to media institutions and audiences?

3) With reference to your chosen case study consider how important interactivity is to media institutions?

4) What has the impact of increased connectivity been on the media production, distribution and exhibition process?