Wednesday 30 September 2009



By Friday 2nd October (Period 3) you need to have uploaded the following items into Prelim task planning:

Storyboard -this will need to be scanned in
Shooting Schedule



Just to remind you that you need to be working on the following in your own time using free lessons and after school time;

You should have found your potential cast for your film and had a meeting indicating their roles and commitments (auditions, rehearsals, two days of filming). As a group you will all need to hold auditions for the main characters in your film however, you will not be able to set a date until Ms Nair has given you feedback on your script (this will hopefully be in the next couple of days). In the meantime you should be organising suitable times, dates and locations to hold your auditions (check with your cast if there are certain days they can’t make and with teachers to see if rooms are available). Deadline Friday 2nd October.

You need to complete taking still images of your possible locations and back ups for your film, highlighting the advantages and the possible problems/safety issues. Make sure that you type your findings into a template similar to the one I showed you today in class and upload them onto your blog. Deadline Friday 2nd October. The images that you took today in class have been uploaded onto Shared Area > Media Studies Video Editing> Yr 13 09-10 > Student’s Work > Your Name > Location Recee


If there are any problems or burning questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or come and speak to me

Miss Bundy

Monday 28 September 2009



Preliminary Task

Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.

TUESDAY 29TH : In class complete and make sure you have shown Miss Bundy/Thiara your SCRIPT and STORYBOARD and make any last changes so they can be signed off. Start your SHOOTING SCHEDULE.

TUESDAY AFTER SCHOOL: Complete your SHOOTING SCHEDULE, this must be signed off by Miss Bundy/Ms Thiara by the end of the lesson. Exchange scripts with your partner groups (your classmates who are your cast!).

WEDNESDAY 30TH: In class practice your SHOOTING SCHEDULE and try LINING UP your shots and making any last minute changes to the schedule. This will be your last chance to find out aboout how to use the Canon camera.

WEDNESDAY AFTER SCHOOL: Prelim task filming. Deadline 5pm (Don't forget to swap after atleast an hour so the other pair can shoot their task.)

THURSDAY 1ST OCTOBER: In class you will be shown how to use Avid to edit your film. Your Prelim editing task must be completed by the end of the day 5pm today.

THURSDAY AFTER SCHOOL: Come back to complete your Prelim editing task. Deadline 5PM today. Pick up evaluation homework from Miss Bundy/Ms Thiara. Evaluation due FRIDAY LESSON 3.

FRIDAY 2ND OCTOBER: Present your films and evaluation to the class.

For examples of Prelim tasks visit
Latymer School's Media Blog Scroll down the links to Class 12E Individual Blogs 2008.

Friday 25 September 2009


FRI 25TH - SUN 27TH : Your vision board and draft script needs to be completed so it is ready for Monday's lesson.

MONDAY 28TH: Post script on blog so I can have a look at it. I will leave comments on your scripts. Post your final character profile as well. Move on to organising cast, finding room for auditions, letting your cast know, getting timetables, talking to teachers and Heads of Yearetc. Deadline WEDNESDAY 30TH.
(You can't hold auditions until I have sent you comments on these. You can however look for rooms and cast in the meantime!)

TUESDAY 29TH : Camera Workshop with Miss Bundy

WEDNESDAY 30TH: All cast planning ready by this lesson. Move on to Location Recce. Deadline FRIDAY 2ND OCT.

THURSDAY 1ST: Sound Workshop with Miss Bundy.
(Remember all your Location Recce is due tomorrow!)

FRIDAY 2ND: Location recce due today. Move on to props list, redraft script following my comments and start storyboard. Storyboard due on MONDAY.

Have a good week and be nice to Miss Bundy !



Preliminary Task

Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.

MONDAY 28TH : In class complete SHOOTING SCHEDULE and make sure you have shown Miss Bundy your SCRIPT and STORYBOARD to be signed off.

MONDAY AFTER SCHOOL: Come back for 20 mins to hand out your script to your cast (your class mates!) and for any last changes Miss Bundy think you may need to make.

TUESDAY 29TH: In class practice your SHOOTING SCHEDULE and try LINING UP your shots and making any last minute changes to the schedule. This will be your last chance to find out aboout how to use the Canon camera.

TUESDAY AFTER SCHOOL: Prelim task filming. Deadline 5pm (Don't forget to swap after atleast an hour so the other pair can shoot their task.)

WEDNESDAY 30TH: In class you will be shown how to use Avid to edit your film. Your assemble edit is due by 4pm today.

WEDNESDAY AFTER SCHOOL: Come back to c omplete your assemble edit if you did not manage to finish this in class. Deadline 4 pm today.

THURSDAY 1ST OCTOBER: Prelim editing completed by end of lesson. Pick up Evalaution Homework from Miss Bundy. Evaluation due FRIDAY LESSON 1.

FRIDAY 2ND OCTOBER: Present your films and evaluation to the class.

For examples of Prelim tasks visit Latymer School's Media Blog Scroll down the links to Class 12E Individual Blogs 2008.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Y13 H/W DUE THURSDAY 24TH - Watching online short films


It is really important to watch a wide variety of films which are in some way linked to your theme and colour. Rather than simply watch and post the clips on your blog you need to show how these films inspire you. How about character types? What can you learn from these about
Cinematography ?

Christopher Doyle Masterclass in Cinematography

So you will need to (by tomorrow) re-visit the films you have been watching (or watch others) and write some analysis of how ideas from this film can help you.

Check out the Bfi Short Films for some inspiration and very useful tips on Writing Short Films.

Another useful site is the BBC Film Network

This one, Dangerous relations makes use of animation and was made by teenagers


You will need to post this HW under the label EVALUATION 7 in your own blog.

Task 1 - Research the camera you were working with today - Canon XHA1

Task 2 - Research how digital technology (compared to analogue) has changed how films are being made

See here for some info to get you started

Tuesday 22 September 2009


Your blogs need to have the following by tomorrow's lesson:

Research on specific films which can help you with your own (in terms of 'colour' and theme.) Include clips, soundtrack as well as your own analysis.

Pitch 1 and feedback
Pitch 2

Current character profiles

Current script

This is a clip showing the Polish director and screewriter Krzysztof Kieslowski analyses scenes from the 'Three Colors' trilogy from the standpoint of what he wished to achieve with the scene, and how he achieved it. Would be useful for you as at some point you will be creating a Director's Commentary to go along with your own film.

Blue, white, and red are the colours of the French flag in left-to-right order, and the story of each film is loosely based on one of the three political ideals in the motto of the French Republic: liberty, equality, fraternity. Click Here to Read More


Use these to help you prepare for the quiz tomorrow (or charades if you ask nicely!)

Monday 21 September 2009

Y12 - Task 1 - Evaluation of Still Camera task - Deadline Tuesday 22 September

Your images are ready to be uploaded and can be found in the Shared Area.

Your evaluation needs to be a slide show. You can then use Slide Share to upload this to your blog.

Evaluation should cover these areas:

Analysis of camera angles and framing (use the terms correctly!)
How effective each shot is in conveying meaning
Ideas for improvement

Writing for a short film

A short film script can be a great calling card for a writer - but in order for it to become a great calling card, you need to make your short script as perfect as you possibly can.

Short films are not a lesser form of cinematic storytelling – although you are unlikely to make money from them. Although TV broadcast opportunities may be limited, short films are shown in cinemas, win awards, and work as an introduction to talent. Many of the best writers and directors started out with shorts.

A short film can be anything from thirty seconds to thirty minutes in length – and this means they can do and be a great many different things. However, if you want to get your short into a festival, then keep it to no more than ten minutes. Remember: you can tell a great story in as little as 30 seconds. And chances are, the longer the short, the more expensive it will be to produce.

The great thing about shorts is that they can be anything – the only limit beyond the cost of production is that of your own imagination. So don't be hemmed in - let your imagination fly. Play with your ideas. Play with the form. Every short can and should be a unique vision.

Film is about telling stories in pictures, which is the most economical way of telling a story – and in the making of shorts, economy is everything. Remember the golden rule of filmmaking: show, don't tell. The idea and story can be focused enough in scope to exist entirely in the viewer's head, and so logic and time can play a much smaller role in the journey from beginning to end than in other formats.

The best short films are often a moment that is played out, but one that has a story at its heart - a conflict that has to be resolved, where there's a deadline to the action, where there's a choice that a character has to make. You should always try to tell a story. Short films aren't an excuse to break all the rules – but they are an opportunity to push the boundaries of what cinematic storytelling can do.

It's worth thinking about

The simplicity, clarity and economy of the storytelling
The vision of the piece, and its visual images
Making every element pertinent
Making your story coherent.

It's worth being careful of

Conflicting and incoherent worlds
Ideas that are too concept-driven
A lack of narrative engine and story
A lack of engaging characters
A lack of focus and concision
Action and repetition without meaning
Descriptive dialogue
Extended jokes with (usually unsatisfying) punch-lines.
Think about how your film will play to its audience. Does your story have a potentially universal appeal? What will the audience know and when will they know it? What will they be guessing? What questions will they have which need answering? And what can you show without having to explain things away?

The impact of page one is crucial. Are we emotionally engaged? What is the vision and world of the film? Is it original? Do we inhabit the characters? Do the world and story of the film have integrity and authenticity? The last moment is also crucial – it's easy to come away feeling very little about a short, so work towards a meaningful, satisfying ending.

Be careful of cliché, because there are so many of them in short films (hit-men for hire, post office heists, people seeing themselves die, children representing innocence, dysfunctional abusive relationships, films about writing or making films, in-jokes and navel-gazing). Write what you know and feel passionately about rather than something second-hand and culled from watching other films. Use the form to be fresh and original and unexpected - you don't get that opportunity very often in your writing career.

Think about the practicalities of writing your script so that it can be shot with a low or limited budget – there's never enough money around to spend on making shorts. Remember that digital technology is freeing up what filmmakers can do, and what they can afford to do. But remember also that a low budget short doesn't need to look cheap - unless, of course, you want it to.

One potential pitfall for writers can be directing their own scripts. Many of the most talented filmmakers write their own stories. But be careful of directing your own work because you want 'control' over the project. Creative collaboration can be a hugely rewarding experience - and if you're not a natural filmmaker, there's a chance you will spoil your writing with inexperienced filmmaking. Go to film festivals, meet filmmakers – find people with whom you can collaborate.

Spare a thought to the presentation of your script. It isn't hard to make it easy to read, and it's always worth the effort of rewriting and editing in order to make your story shine. There are no excuses for your script to not be as perfect as it can be.

Watch as many short films as you possibly can. There is no replacement for knowing what work is already out there, and knowing what you as an audience (as well as a writer) think and feel about it.
The BBC Film Network has a useful guide about how to make your own short films.

From BBC Writer's Room which has a lot of good advice for first time film makers.


Treatment + Storyboard

This is a useful slideshow on how to write treatments and create storyboards. Also useful for you is Slide Share, especially when it comes to your evaluations and presentations.


Your second PITCH is due tomorrow and needs to address the feedback you got at the first pitch. The details need to be on your individual blogs before the deadline date AS A SLIDE SHOW (using SLIDE SHARE which Klaudija showed you)

Remember lesson time is NOT for production meetings. These need to take place IN YOUR TIME and make sure you blog your meeting outcomes BEFORE you come to the next lesson.

PLANNING MARKS will be deducted if deadlines are not met.

Friday 18 September 2009

Posting Powerpoint Slides - Thanks to Esther

Open your slide

Take a screen shot of the slide you want to post in your blog

Open Paint and paste your shot here

Select and copy

Save as bitmap in your area

Open blog - new post - add image - browse - upload

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Yr 13 Advanced Production


We would like you to start customising your blog. You will need to;
1. Design the background with images/colours
2. Add relevant gadgets
3. Create labels and link lists in ensure your blog is presentable, functional and organised

Upload TASK 1 - scanned mood board

Deadline: Friday 18th September 3pm

Yr 12 Foundation Production


We would like you to start customising your blog. You will need to;
1. Design the background with images/colours
2. Add relevant gadgets
3. Create labels and link lists in ensure your blog is presentable, functional and organised

Upload TASK 1 - summer HW

Deadline: Friday 18th September 3pm

Welcome to Blogging

Welcome to Barking Abbey Media Studies blog. You will find useful links and resources here to help you with your course. This space is also available to showcase your AS and A2 production work. Your individual blogs will contain evidence for pre-production as well as your final films and evaluation.

Please follow these instructions to set up your individual blogs

Creating a blog
1. Go to
2. Click onto create a blog
3. Display name: Your name e.g. Amy Charles
4. Blog title: Name and Candidate number e.g. Amy Charles 9353
5. Blog address (URL): babbey.YOURNAME10 e.g.
6. Continue to fill out the remaining details/passwords to complete creating your blog


Settings and Layout features
1. On your homepage click onto customise > click fonts and colours and adjust accordingly to your personal tastes
2. To upload pictures/images click onto posting > click on the picture frame icon > browse your computer for the image > select upload image > save
3. To upload a video click onto posting > click edit Html > copy the embed code and paste onto the post > give the video a title > click publish post > click save now
4. To create the different sub headings you have been given click onto add gadget > click on labels > change the title of the label > click save. Repeat this until you have created all the sub headings