Friday 25 September 2009


FRI 25TH - SUN 27TH : Your vision board and draft script needs to be completed so it is ready for Monday's lesson.

MONDAY 28TH: Post script on blog so I can have a look at it. I will leave comments on your scripts. Post your final character profile as well. Move on to organising cast, finding room for auditions, letting your cast know, getting timetables, talking to teachers and Heads of Yearetc. Deadline WEDNESDAY 30TH.
(You can't hold auditions until I have sent you comments on these. You can however look for rooms and cast in the meantime!)

TUESDAY 29TH : Camera Workshop with Miss Bundy

WEDNESDAY 30TH: All cast planning ready by this lesson. Move on to Location Recce. Deadline FRIDAY 2ND OCT.

THURSDAY 1ST: Sound Workshop with Miss Bundy.
(Remember all your Location Recce is due tomorrow!)

FRIDAY 2ND: Location recce due today. Move on to props list, redraft script following my comments and start storyboard. Storyboard due on MONDAY.

Have a good week and be nice to Miss Bundy !

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