Monday 20 June 2011

40 sec film brief

The Brief

The 40 Seconds Straight film competition is giving you (and your friends if that makes it more straightforward!) the chance to try your hand at writing, producing and directing a short film.
Direct Line and Raindance are looking for short films that take one of life’s many overly-complicated situations and makes it straightforward.

We’re looking for original content that celebrates simplicity; depicting a life without the complications and confusion that most of us are only too familiar with.

Imagine that you could wave a magic wand and make complicated situations straightforward – what would you use it on and how would you do it?

Although it’s a straightforward film we’re after, this isn’t about taking the easy route - it’s all about delivering a great piece of entertainment that tells a story.

Whether you’re an experienced filmmaker or this is the first time you’ve picked up a video camera, this competition is open to everyone. We’ll be offering filmmaking tips from Raindance’s Elliot Grove throughout the competition to show just how straightforward filmmaking can be.
Each film must be no more than 40.0 seconds in length, to include an end frame supplied by Direct Line which you can download here.

Making life straightforwardFrom assembling flat-pack furniture to time travel, we have come up with the following examples to give you a headstart – but feel free to use your own ideas – you don’t have to stick to the list.
• Assembling flat pack furniture
• Programming a DVD recorder
• Booking a holiday
• Learning to ride a bicycle
• Splitting up with a partner
• Going for a job interview

Or you can go all out and think of some less everyday situations:
• Time travel
• Going to the moon

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