Tuesday 15 November 2011

AS - Representation of characters

Create a character profile for the characters in your film.

First read the notes below and use page 82 of the link below to find out more

Phil Parker (The Art and Science of Screen writing) suggests all characters in any dramatic form have three essential aspects :

Outer presence – ‘dominant impression’
Inner presence – ‘dominant attitude’
Context – ‘world of the character’

Dominant Impression – created by the character, dependent upon age, sex, mannerisms, physical appearance, clothes, grooming, movement, style of speech etc.

Dominant attitude – of the character is based on their intelligence, knowledge, personality, temperament, likes, dislikes, beliefs, fears, goals, self image etc.

The world of the character – based on relationships with friends, colleagues, lovers, cultural background – class, education, place of birth, ethnicity, personal history- significant events in their life / their personal ‘back story’

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