Tuesday 20 October 2009


Following on from today's lesson your homework is to compelte the following:

1. Detailed Analysis of all the film openings we have watched in class. Use all your notes and discussion points from the lesson.

2. Watch an Independent film opening and a Mainstream film opening and analyse the similarities and differences.

3. Answer the question: What differences do you note between an Independent film opening and a Mainstream film opening? Why do you think this is?
You will need to think about the following:
  • Target Audience of the media text
  • Insitution- think about what we discussed for production companies backing the film and how much money they get? Research which Institutions usually back Indie films and others for Mainstream.
  • Technology - how advanced is it for mainstream compared to Indie films? - this will also lead onto to discuss a bit about the overall look of the film (cinematography).

This is due Thursday 3pm.

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