Monday 12 October 2009

YEAR 13 - Editing Deadlines



1. Pick up Lacie Drive, Continuity sheets, Tape and Camera from Miss Bundy
2. Only log the good takes you need, not the whole tape
3. Save your work regulary onto your Lacie not on to the PC (make sure the drive you have selected to work in is Lacie and not C drive)
4. Start by doing an assembly edit – the story of your film in the right order (cut scenes in right order after)
5. Then go back and start editing from the start of the film. Start making cuts to each shot with the scene in order of the film.
6. Once you think you have finished editing the scene go back and watch it through and get feedback. Only then should you move onto the next scene.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each scene, one at a time, in order of the film.
8. Complete editing logs every session – work completed, problems, what needs to be done next.
9. Read through editing logs at the start of each session before you start.
10. Regular feedback from Ms Nair and Miss Bundy to be incorporated into ongoing work.
11. A list of cast and crew roles must be given to Miss Bundy to make your credits
12. Any sound effects or soundtrack must be put onto a USB and given to Miss Bundy for PPS
13. PPS – you need to book an appointment with Miss Bundy and keep in regular contact to meet the deadline for this


Digitise rushes – Mon 19th Oct 2009
Assembly edit – Wed 21st Oct 2009
Scene 1 – Tue 3rd Nov 2009
Scene 2 – Thurs 5th Nov 2009
Scene 3 – Mon 9th Nov 2009
Scene 4 – Wed 11th Nov2009
Whole film complete with feedback – Fri 13th Nov 2009
PPS – Fri 20th Nov 2009
List of credits (cast and crew) to Miss Bundy – Mon 9th Nov 2009
Music/sound effects for PPS to Miss Bundy – Wed 11th Nov 2009


Bring in your own headphones
Make sure all folders and Lacie drives are tidily returned to Miss Bundy’s office

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