Tuesday 15 October 2013



Experiment with a MIX AND MATCH approach – play around with a variety of font styles, colours, font sizes and see what works. It will still need to look like these work together on the final blog design.



·         Director’s commentary

·         Behind-the-scenes

·         Interviews with cast

·         Interviews with crew

·         Interviews with target audience

·         Clips used for analysis

·         Screen grabs from your films – this can be at any point during editing as well as the final cut. It depends on what you use these videos for. Videos need to accompanied by some explanation and analysis. Don’t leave clips up there on their own!

·         Short film of group work/group discussion

·         Auditions for cast

·         Annotate clips / the whole film




·         Of your plans, post-it notes, notes made during discussions

·         Of the equipment

·         Screen shots with and without annotations

·         Behind the scene shots – taken on location while filming

·         Rough visuals

·         Locations shots – before and after it has been ‘dressed’ for the shoot

·         Pictures of props on location http://thrillerblog2011.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Construction

·         Cast

·         Costumes

·         Specific frames to help you answer the evaluation questions http://thrillerblog2011.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/in-what-ways-does-your-media-product.html

·         Print screen of your soundtrack / audio channel / video channel

·         Have frames from your film next to frames from real films – compare and contrast http://thrillerblog2011.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/in-what-ways-does-your-media-product.html

·         Analysis of real films – posters and shots from the film itself – scroll down this page


·         Create a collage of clips from your film – if this helps you answer the question – and then analyse it http://snehalsthrillerblog.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Evaluation



·         Tables

·         Prezis – a good idea to record a ‘walk-through’ of your Prezi

·         Slideshare – as above

·         Graphs

·         Pie charts

·         Other diagrams

·         Flow charts

·         Etc..




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